Democratic Union: Unity and Tolerance

Unity and Tolerance

Unity and Tolerance
IS a new movement, which all Democratic people can join.
WORKS for Total Democracy: Political Democracy (freedom of speech) plus Economic Democracy (freedom from want).
BELIEVES that as a nation we should stand on our own feet, and that the scientists can help us do it.

BRITAIN TODAY is facing breakdown. American help may delay the collapse, but the way things are going it certainly can’t prevent it.

The only people who can prevent it are ourselves. But we’re not going the right way about it. We should be working and striving as team, but instead there’s apathy and drift. People don’t seem to care.

Why is this? It’s because the country isn’t given a proper lead. Labour can’t give it – and neither could the Tories.

No party ever could. A party speaks only for some of the people. We need a movement which gets all Democratic people working together. That’s where DEMOCRATIC UNION comes in.

You can’t expect people to put their backs into it, and to stick endless austerity, unless they can see something better coming along. The scientists can beat austerity and put us back on the map. They once made us the wealthiest nation on earth, and they can do it again. Only we’ve got to back them up. Get rid of the vested interests and red tape!

TOTAL DEMOCRACY is something worth working for. It means two things: freedom of voting, and freedom of living – freedom from want, and from worry about your job. That’s what DEMOCRATIC UNION stands for. That’s why you should JOIN DEMOCRATIC UNION NOW! (Ask one of the Stewards at our meetings, or write: Membership Secretary, Democratic Union, [address]. It costs 1s to join; subscription 1s per month).


the system under which each individual can exercise without hindrance or fear of reprisal the legal and constitutional right to vote and freely express himself in the political sphere according to his own particular beliefs; this involves public control by the community of political organisations and parties, rather than monopolistic political control of the community by a political party or parties. It involves the rule of the majority, recognising the right of minority opinion.

the system under which each individual can exercise without let or hindrance the legal and constitutional right to work, and freely express himself in the economic sphere according to his own particular abilities ; this involves public control by the community of industrial organisations, in place of monopolistic economic control by industrial organizations over the community.

Printed for DEMOCRATIC UNION by F. J. Wilkes, [address].

No Date, circa 1940s.
