
George Walford: Editorial Notes (16)

ON MAKING EXCUSES IC is sometimes charged with talking only about politics; its concentration on this subject is said to give the false impression that systematic ideology relates to nothing else. We plead guilty, pointing out in mitigation that volitional activity (which is what systematic ideology deals with) is a large field for one small… read more »

George Walford: New Readers Start Here (16)

Ideological Commentary announces itself as “an independent journal of systematic ideology.” We do not claim final knowledge of this theory ourselves; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last week needs alteration, now, and the account given here will be subject to continuous revision. The theory was created an largely developed by the late Harold… read more »

George Walford: Political Gravitation

The communist parties work in the belief that if they could only gain power they could establish a society which, if not fully communist, would be nearer to that condition than is existing society. Given power they would, they believe, be able to lead, drive, educate or manipulate the general body of the people into… read more »

George Walford: Pick Your Government

The concept of anarchy, a society without government (one correspondent has used “nonarchy,” which we had not met before), provokes speculation about its contrary, a society using every form of government. What could such a system be called – omarchy? The concept comes complete with difficulties, not least among them the relations between the different… read more »

George Walford: The Edges of Reality

A problem facing systematic ideology (our opponents of the [anarcho-] Socialist Party tend to be less aware that it is a problem facing them too) is whether it is possible to demonstrate the existence of a world “out there.” If it can be shown that there is, as there seems to be, a world independent… read more »
