Peter Shepherd: George Walford Memorial

I wish I had been able to write much earlier, if only to give credibility to my expression of regret, forming in fact one of the main supplementary reasons for the writing of this letter, that I never made my peace with George. I suppose I vaguely thought the breach would heal itself in the… read more »

Paul Minet: Seeking George Walford

   George Walford died in late August 1994, an event not much noticed in the [Antiquarian Bookselling] trade. We stood in silent memory of him, as is our custom with ABA members, at the ABA Committee, but there was little talk of him then or afterwards. Some surprising people said they had never met him…. read more »

Dr. Zvi Lamm: Encounter in Autumn

I described the factual side of my encounter with George elsewhere (see my Ideologies in an Hierarchical Order in Science and Public Policy, vol. 11, No.1, pp. 40 -46), but I made no mention there of my impressions of that encounter. I live in a country in which ideology has for many years not been… read more »

Mary Anne Knukel: George Walford Memorial

It was with pleasure I received your letter, which arrived at a time when, coincidentally, we had been thinking about how much we are missing George Walford’s IC – his ideas, thoughts & stimulus for further ideas & thoughts. It is good to know that this discussion continues – he’d like that. In the (sadly)… read more »

George Gook: George Walford Memorial

  George Walford has been a friend for almost fifty years. We first met early in 1946 at what was, I believe, the first public meeting of the Social Science Association. The founder of this organisation had published a number of cheap booklets, or pamphlets, on such subjects as The Atom Bomb, The Mass Mind,… read more »

Alan Bula: George Walford Memorial

I am delighted that you are publishing a memorial for George Walford. His unique Ideological Commentary is unforgettable and his efforts to continue Harold Walsby’s thinking deserves a follow-up, particularly as the freelance scholar has become almost an extinct species. Intellectual thinking is all but monopolised by institutions. SI: IGNORED, ALONE AND ILLUMINATING Until S.I.,… read more »

Trevor Blake: George Walford Memorial

Ike Benjamin and Trevor Blake I never had the pleasure of meeting George Walford. Not even once, nor did we ever speak on the phone. But his work as a student of systematic ideology and as a bookseller has had a direct and long-lasting effect on my life. When I first heard from George in… read more »

George Walford Memorial Notes and Quotes

I FIRST MET GEORGE in 1948 after being introduced to the group by Peter Shepherd and after several sessions with Harold Walsby. My situation was rather different from that of other newcomers in that year – there was a campaign directed against the SPGB, as the result of which several new members were recruited. By… read more »
