Social Science Association: You and the SSA

You and the SSA


New Growth and Interest

As a result of the activity of the S.S.A., interest in the socio-political side of human nature, particularly in the scientific study of ideology and in ideological research, is growing steadily among the more enlightened sections of the community. Consequent upon this new interest me SSA finds itself confronted with new and urgent needs.

These needs are set forth here for the information of all those whose interest and sympathy for our aims has been aroused, and who would like to feel they were taking a more active role, in one way or another, to further the S.S.A.’s growth and influence. The SSA as you probably are aware, urges the study of man’s social consciousness as one of the vital prerequisites for the application of scientific method to all social, political and economic problems.

New Needs

(1) The SSA needs voluntary workers and helpers in its research organisation – principally in the form of research-readers. The concrete facts – with which all practical science must begin and which provide the material for the scientific study of ideologies – are to be found largely in the written and printed word. Every real expression of opinion published is raw material for the science of man’s social consciousness. Those who read fairly extensively newspapers, serious periodicals, political and scientific journals and books, can help us by becoming research-readers for the SSA All you have to do is to note examples of opinion, beliefs, modes of thinking and emotional attitudes which are relevant to the propositions, theories and ideas to be found in the S.S.A.’s published studies – and send them to us. If you feel you would like to undertake this kind of work please write to the Secretary at once for further details.

(2) The SSA urgently needs writers who are able to write about 5,000 words or more in a clear, simple, factual and objective style, on subjects similar to those already treated in the Social Science Series and also on subjects suitable for a Popular Science Series of a more general public interest. Those who can do this should communicate with the Secretary or send in a small sample of their work.

(3) The SSA needs members who can organise and conduct – on their own initiative – talks and discussions, on subjects pertaining to our Social Science Series of publications, among sympathisers and non-members. For those who can do this for the SSA assistance and advice will be given on application to the Secretary.

(4) The SSA needs members who can undertake to sell half-dozen or more of each issue in the Social Science Series of booklets. Those who can do this very useful work will be able to obtain the booklets at wholesale rates (4s. doz.). Write in to the Secretary at once if you would like to help the SSA in this way.

(5) The SSA endeavours as far as possible to maintain itself out of the sale of its publications and out of membership fees. With the growing scale of its activities, however, this endeavour is becoming more and more difficult and money is urgently needed to cover the costs of research, printing, publication, advertising etc. Those well-wishers who can afford to make the SSA a generous donation are urgently asked to do so – though any sum however small will be welcome. Please send your contribution to the Treasurer, The SSA [Address]

(6) Those who feel that they are unable to do any of these things to assist the progress and development of the SSA, but who nevertheless still feel they would like to help us in some other way, not mentioned above, may care to write in to the Secretary and make their suggestion.

Will YOU Help?

Listed above are some of the more urgent of the present needs of the SSA Will you help those who are already putting in a great deal of voluntary work for the Association to do their job more easily and efficiently? It will be well worth while. Write now to the SSA, [Address]

Have you read. . . ?

Obtainable from Smith’s, 6d. each or 7d. post free from SSA

circa 1944
