David McDonagh

George Walford: Notes & Quotes (64)

EXPEDIENCY: the ideology in which conscience comes as a still, small voice saying somebody may be watching. LIBERAL reformers of the 19th C feared an extended franchise: ‘The masses were then, as now, more conservative than their champions: (Peter Gay in The Cultivation of Hatred). AN ideology is a way of organising reality. ANOTHER driver… read more »

George Walford: The Market in Ideology

A talk delivered to a meeting organised by the Libertarian Alliance, on 25th June. By George Walford. (The version given here has been lightly edited in the transition from speech to writing). People who write books about doing talks offer several approved ways of beginning. You can start off with a BANG! to grip your… read more »

J. C. Lester and David McDonaugh: Anarcho-Capitalism for Liberty and Value

The following ideas represent our own current views on anarcho-capitalism. Other anarcho-capitalist libertarians would disagree with some of what follows, and minimal-statist libertarians would disagree with much more. Anyone interested in finding out more can write to the Libertarian Alliance at [address]. Anarcho-capitalism (or market-anarchism) is the view is that a self-regulating market is possible… read more »
