George Walford

George Walford: The Future of S.I.

Systematic ideology has now been around for over half a century. Those critically accepting the theory have not become a large and powerful group and do not seem likely to do so. When examining the (A-) SPGB IC points out that nearly everybody who has heard its case has rejected it, and there is no… read more »

George Walford: Notes & Quotes (51)

SEEN FROM OUTSIDE FactSheetFive #41 says of IC “This political journal is a chewy nugget indeed, as it tries to expound the ideas of ‘systematic ideology.’ Their basic tenet is that there is a hierarchy of ideologies, with progressively fewer people at each step; they spin this out into fascinating discussions of everything from history… read more »

George Walford: Beyond Politics Advertisement (50)

BEYOND POLITICS An outline of systematic ideology by George Walford 160 pages Paperback £2.95 Clothbound £9.95 For subscribers to IC and members of the (A-)SPGB paperback price is £1.95 BEYOND POLITICS shows that the influence of ideology extends beyond political parties and movements. In all our purposeful activities, whether playing with the children, practising a… read more »

George Walford: The Iron Law

Robert Michels’ book, Political Parties, a sociological study of the oligarchical tendencies of modern democracy [1], first appeared in 1911, and quickly became famous [2]. The English translation has been available since 1915 (there were also Italian, German, French and Japanese versions) and in those seventy-five years nobody, so far as I have been able… read more »

George Walford: Ideology in Education

Should the school be adapted to the child or the child to the school? An inclination in either direction is notoriously linked with political outlook, and this suggests a connection with the underlying system of major ideologies. Zvi Lamm, a professor of education in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has cut across these roundabout associations,… read more »

George Walford: We Predict the Future

One of the less intelligent everyday remarks is that we cannot predict the future. In fact we not only can but are constantly doing so, and could not live sensibly otherwise. For the most part our predictions remain unexpressed in words, but they appear from our actions. Every time we make a plan, buy anything,… read more »

Brian Morris: Indian Materialism

Systematic ideology presents the major ideologies as following the same broad outlines in all advancing societies. This view sometimes meets the objection that in the East, and especially in India, development has followed a different course, spiritual rather than technological or materialistic. “The mystic East” is a key phrase. This article provides, from Indian sources,… read more »

George Walford: Editorial Notes (51)

THE TWO CLASSES There are two classes in society: the privileged few who know IC and the deprived multitude who don’t. Share your good fortune: take out a subscription for a friend – or, come to that, for an enemy. Send in the name, address and a cheque for £2 and the rest will be… read more »

George Walford: Introducing IC (51)

Revision of January 1990. IDEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY announces itself as an independent journal of systematic ideology, but it does not claim final knowledge of this theory; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last month needs alteration now, and the account given here will be subject to continuous revision. Systematic ideology is the creation of the… read more »

George Walford: The (Anarcho-) Socialist Party (50)

MERSEYSIDE SCORE HALF A POINT To the Editor of IC: In IC‘s third reply to Merseyside Branch (IC49) you say that Merseyside “use quotation marks in a way suggesting that words or phrases come from s.i. sources when (to the best of IC‘s knowledge) they do not. If Merseyside can show ‘abolition determined’ and ‘change-resistant’… read more »
