George Walford

George Walford: Ideological Notes (50)

AMONG foragers the only economic entity was the separate person (or at most the separate family) and the only political entity the community. The arrangement provided neither economic support nor political freedom. ONE theme of s.i. is that the eidodynamics, both as groups and as individual people, assert their intellectual individuality while the eidostatics prefer… read more »

Ailsa Pain: Review of Beyond Politics

Review of Beyond Politics, an outline of systematic ideology. From PLAN, Journal of the Progressive League, November 1990, by Ailsa Pain. This is a readable and thought-provoking little book. While many people have come to somewhat differing conclusions as a result of their own studies and speculation, I am sure they will find interest and… read more »

John Rowan: Review of Beyond Politics

Review of Beyond Politics, an outline of systematic ideology. From SELF AND SOCIETY, European Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. XVIII No.6, Nov / Dec 1990, by John Rowan. This is a book about ideologies. An ideology is a way of seeing the world, a more or less coherent philosophy of the way things seem to… read more »

Charles Sprague: Review of Beyond Politics

Review of Beyond Politics, an outline of systematic ideology. From CLARITY, Magazine of the Christian Forum, Vol 22 No.5; by Charles Sprague. Everybody has emotions about politics. Sometimes we give voice to them: public figures, like Norman Tebbitt and Nicholas Ridley, with great publicity and considerable consequences. Many of us also support a party and… read more »

George Walford: Liberal Restrictions

Systematic ideology posits a range of ‘major’ ideologies, each of them (except the first, which is non-political) finding political expression through one of the main-sequence parties. In moving along the range from non-political through conservatism towards anarchism, economic collectivism strengthens and freedom of action in economics comes under heavier repression. This is not always self-evident,… read more »

George Walford: Factsheet Five

Factsheet Five is like a giraffe; you look at it, and you still don’t believe it. It gives title, address, subscription details and a note on contents, for over eight hundred amateur or off-beat magazines. (In their enthusiasm for squeezing in just one more they call them “zines”). And that’s just for starters. There are… read more »

George Walford: Canoes and Pesticides

Rousseau and Montaigne used primitive man to make a point about their own society, castigating the features of which they disapproved. Noting that our ‘thinkers’ of today follow the same practice, and with no greater attention to fact or balanced judgement, Nigel Barley reports on an exhibition of Red Indian work: A wooden canoe was… read more »

George Walford: From Hegal-San to NIAT

Kitaro Nishida’s An Inquiry into the Good has been re-issued in a new translation. [1] Reviewing this, [2] Hide Ishiguro remarks that it does not contain the two concepts, of absolute nothingness and the self-identity of the absolutely contradictory, which account for its author’s fame as a Zen philosopher. Kitaro Nishida has doubtless earned his glory;… read more »

George Hay: What to Do Next

Systematic ideology having reached the stability of self-identification (see “What’s Wrong with S.I.?” in IC 48 [and also in this present issue, Ed.]) it would seem to be time for some market-research on “the product,” some testing in real-time situations. Hindsight applications are still not all that plentiful; we need more of them. As one… read more »

George Walford: Editorial Notes (50)

‘MORE recently, historians have tended to see the [English] Revolution [of 1640] in terms less of horizontal divisions between classes and more of vertical divisions, cultural and ideological, running through all strata of society.” (John Miller, TLS 14 December) REVIEWING The New Cambridge History of India Vol IV Pt 1, by Paul R. Brass, Geoffrey… read more »
