
George Walford: Precision In Thought

This is from Philosophical Facts No.3, Summer 1985, issued by Philosophy Documentation Center: LOGICIAN is a text processor for logicians and logic teachers. The program provides an efficient means of quickly producing error-free natural deduction proofs for use as examples and exercises for students. LOGICIAN differs from ordinary text editors in that it understands and… read more »

George Walford: Movements and Members

Under the heading FOREIGN NEWS IC13 pointed out that the resistance to apartheid in South Africa, usually presented as a black movement against white oppression, was more comprehensible when seen as the outcome of ideological divisions, the association of a particular skin-colour, with each side being largely accidental. The news seems to be spreading; this… read more »

George Walford: If It Ain’t Bust Don’t Fix It

Our friends (which does not mean they regard us as their friends) of the (Anarcho-) Socialist Party of Great Britain propose to abolish existing society, under which more than five thousand million people are able to maintain themselves, and replace it, without any transitional period, with a system which is completely untried, one which on… read more »

George Walford: The End of Work (8)

When comparing present structural unemployment with the position in the past it is easy to overlook the extent to which society is already able to support its people without their all needing to work. In 1879 the establishment of universal education took all children in Britain off what used to be known as the labour… read more »

George Walford: The Enduring Base (5)

In the sacred cause of research we recently submitted to ordeal by boredom. It consisted of sitting, with our eyes more or less open for most of the time, through a film entitled Rambo. We have previously noted the immense success of films such as Jaws, The Exorcist and Close Encounters of the Third Kind,… read more »

George Walford: Editorial Notes (21)

On Saturday September 28 a police inspector, in search of a man who had earlier fired a shotgun at police, broke through the front door of a Brixton house with a revolver in his hand and shot an innocent woman. This was followed by rioting, with cars and buildings burnt and shops looted. It was… read more »

George Walford: New Readers Start Here (21)

Ideological Commentary announces itself as “an independent journal of systematic ideology,” but we do not claim final knowledge of this theory; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last month needs alteration now, and the account given here will be subject to continuous revision. The theory was created and largely developed by the late Harold… read more »

George Walford: Accounting for Marxism

In the TLS for 6 September 1985 Anthony Giddens reviews a book, by the late Alvin W. Gouldner, entitled Against Fragmentation; the Origins of Marxism and the Sociology of Intellectuals (OUP 1985). The author was Max Weber, Research Professor of Social Theory at Washington University, St. Louis, and a winner, with an earlier work, of… read more »
