
George Walford: Mises, Marx and Markets

David Ramsay Steele, 1992, From Marx to Mises, post-capitalist society and the challenge of economic calculation. Chicago: Open Court. 6 x 9 in., 458 pages. $17.95 paper, $39.95 cloth. Reviewed by George Walford Remember Lenin, and his claim that imperialism was the highest and final stage of capitalism? The empires he knew have gone but… read more »

George Walford: The Gods of Buddhism

It is sometimes suggested that the original message of all religious leaders is at bottom the same. The truer view is, I think, that different religious leaders have taught very different messages; it is in what men do to those messages in the process of forming religious institutions that there is essential similarity. (Robert Thouless)… read more »

George Walford: Notes & Quotes (60)

IC 57 invited readers to send in new titles for IC. The limited response suggests that few find the present one bad enough to justify a search for alternatives and nobody, we are glad to say, proposed SISYPHUS. ENGLISH Heritage, managing Hampstead Heath, have one excellent arrangement: small railed-off areas in which dogs can attend… read more »

George Walford: Editorial (60)

The centralised state is not the only expression of the Domination ideology, just the most successful one so far. To the extent that it weakens, its competitors recover their freedom to act, and most of them do not seek peace and plenty for all; they pursue their own interests, and in doing so drag society… read more »

George Walford: Ideology in the Reviews (59)

Reviewing Lewis Wolpert, The Unnatural Nature of Science (Faber), Steven Rose notes that modern science differs from Greek and other ancient sciences by being powerfully interventionist. Science as we know it originated in the 17th Century, with Newtonian mechanics and Bacon [1]. (And, we may add, with the rise of Nonconformism and what was later… read more »

George Walford: The Power of the Helpless

Just below the surface of orthodox thinking there hovers the idea that opposites are not only opposed but also in some deep way united. Buddhism assures us that complete attachment brings total unity, anarchists propose restrictions to win freedom, Zen holds emptiness to be fullness, an old saw has it that everything in general is… read more »

George Walford: Freedom from Truth or Was Stirner Serious

In 1845 Johann Kaspar Schmidt, writing under the name of Max Stirner, published his version of egoism. Highly original, intensely provoking, puzzling and disconcerting, the book acts as an irritant. Working with the English translation by Steven J. Byington [1] I produced more than one short study (appearing in IC and Freedom) which proved on… read more »

George Walford: Patterns of Faith

The Scientific and Medical Network, an association mainly of professional people, centres its interests around recovery of the spiritual dimension often felt to be omitted from modern science. This talk (here abridged) was delivered to the West London Group by George Walford on January 20th 1993.  – GW Some people, especially in the East, have… read more »

George Walford: Notes & Quotes (59)

NEW babies don’t laugh, make war, walk erect, use tools, or make love at all seasons. Does any definition of humanity include them? ABBOT John Chapman: ‘I wish I could join the ‘Solitaries,’ instead of being Superior and having to write books. But I don’t wish what I wish, of course.’ CHILDREN under 17 commit… read more »
