Bibliography to The Domain of Ideologies by Harold Walsby

(Bibliography not found in original, prepared by Trevor Blake)

The Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford University, 1944)
Enciclopedia Italiana 14th Edition (Hogarth Press, 1932)
Whitaker’s Almanack (1945)
Bacon, Francis: Instauratio Magna (1620)
Baldwin, Earl: On England (Philip Allan, 1926)
Banks, Sir R. M.: The Conservative Outlook (Chapman and Hall, 1929)
Brady, Robert A.: The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism (1937)
Brogan, Colm: Who are ‘the People’? (1944)
Brumwell, J. R. M.: This Changing World (1944)
Bruck, Arthur Moeller van den: Germany’s Third Empire (1934)
Burnham, James: The Managerial Revolution (1941)
Chakotin, Serge: The Rape of the Masses (New York: Fortean, 1940)
Chamberlain, William Henry: A False Utopia: Collectivism in Theory and Practice (New York, 1937)
Drennan, James: B.U.F.: Oswald Mosley and British Fascism (Murray, 1934)
Eddington, Sir Arthur: New Pathways in Science (Cambridge: University Press, 1935)
Eddington, Sir Arthur: The Philosophy of Science (1939)
Engles: Ludwig Feuerbach (1886)
Ferenczi, Sandor: [Further] Contributions to [the Theory and Technique of] Psychoanalysis (London: Hogarth, 1926)
Freud, Sigmund: Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1921)
Freud, Sigmund: New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1933)
Gangulee, Nagendranath.: The Mind and Face of Nazi Germany (John Murray, 1942)
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson: The Marxist Philosophy and the Sciences (Random House, New York 1939).
Hegel, Georg The Phenomenology of Mind (1807)
Hegel, Georg: The Science of Logic (1830)
Heiden, Konrad: Der Fuhrer (1936)
Heiden, Konrad: One Man Against Europe (1939)
Jung, Carl: Integration of the Personality (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1939)
Knickerbocker, H. R.: Is Tomorrow Hitler’s? (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1941)
Le Bon, Gustave: The Crowd / A Study of the Popular Mind (1895)
Levy, Hyman: Science in the Changing World (George Allen And Unwin Limited 1933)
Lodge, Sir Oliver: Science and the Changing World
McDougall, William: Frontiers of Psychology (1934)
McDougall, William: The Group Mind (1920)
McDougall, William: World Chaos / The Responsibility of Science (1932)
Mannheim, Karl: Ideology and Utopia (1936)
Marx, Karl: The German Ideology (1932)
Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engles: Selected Correspondence 1846-1895 with Commentary and Notes (Lawrence & Wishart, London 1934)
Mehring: Marx-Engels Selected Correspondence
Mussolini: My Autobiography (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons 1928)
Mussolini: The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism (Hogarth Press)
Prezzolini, Giuseppe: Fascism (New York, E. P. Dutton, 1926)
Read, Herbert: The Philosophy of Anarchism (London: Freedom Press 1940)
Rocker, Rudolf: Anarcho-Syndicalism (Martin Secker and Warburg Ltd 1938)
Russell, Bertrand: Let the People Think (Watts & Co. 1941)
Spencer, Herbert: First Principles (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1897)

The Daily Telegraph, 14 June 1945
International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 23, No. 4 July 1913. Lord Hugh Cecil: Conservatism.
Nature, 18 January 1936
Philosophy of Science
, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Jul., 1949). C. H. Waddington: The Scientific Attitude
Popolo d’Italia, 22 November 1921
Russian Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 Autumn, 1945. Arthur Koestler: The Yogi and the Commissar
The Review of Politics, Vol. 1, No. 4 October 1939. Melvin Rader: No Compromise.
War Commentary, 19 (Month?) 1945

Public Speech
Hitler, Adolph: 30 January 1939

Unattributed Quotes
QUOTE: This curious paradox was well expressed by Goebbels when he declared that the Nazi regime was more democratic than democracy.
NOTE: Source unknown.
QUOTE: Consider, for instance, the following extracts from a pamphlet issued by a small political group of Left-wing intellectuals (which, although it has existed as a political party, aiming at mass support, since 1904, is very little known outside extreme Left-wing circles): “Applicants for membership are required to sign the Declaration of Principles printed on the inside cover of this pamphlet, and are expected to satisfy the branch before which their application comes that they understand and accept the principles in question” […]
NOTE: This is a quote almost certainly from a pamphlet published by the Socialist Party of Great Britain, founded in 1904. Harold Walsby was twice-over a member of the SPGB: once under his own name, once under the name H. W. S. Bee.

Continue reading The Domain of Ideologies by Harold Walsby (1947)
Part I Mass Groups and Intellectual Groups
Forward | The Paradox | The Political Groups | The Left Wing and IntellectualismThe Masses and Emotional Suggestibility | Fear of the Group | Political Collectivism | Political Individualism | The “Mass Rationality” Assumption
Part II Ideological Structure and Development
The Ideological FieldDefinition of Ideology | Cognitive Assumptions | The Process of Assumptions | The Absolute Assumption | Identification | Development and Repression | Conclusion | Bibliography | Index
