
George Walford: Precision

Gellner E. 1988 Plough, Sword and Book; the structure of human history. London: Collins Harvill, 288 pages £15. In this book Professor Gellner distinguishes three stages of society: first came hunting-gathering (the “hunger-gatherers” on p.33 is presumably a misprint), next based on the single discovery of food-production, and finally (so far) industrial, based on the… read more »

George Walford: Letters to the Editor (44)

FAITH AND EVIDENCE Sir: [Nobody has yet begun a letter to IC with “Sir,” but one needs some standardised way of starting it off as a letter]. Sir: On the back page, of IC43, I wonder whether you are not being unfair to the SS Prod committee in asking them to produce evidence showing something… read more »

George Walford: Thinking About Knowledge

Ideologists (a term used in IC to mean students of ideology) have to be interested in enquiries into the sources from which knowledge is derived, and in his essay entitled “Logic, Mathematics and Knowledge of Nature,” [1] Hans Hahn distinguishes two possible ones: observation and thinking. Comments are to be made, but first some of… read more »

George Walford: Signs and Indications

Quaker Oats put up a sign weighing twelve tons on the cliffs of Dover, somebody else erected a hoarding that blocked out the view of St. Paul’s from Ludgate Circus, another firm wanted to build one along the open side of Princes Street, hiding the Castle. They were driven by the logic of commercial competition,… read more »

George Walford: Introducing Ideological Commentary (43)

Revision of January 1990. IDEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY announces itself as an independent journal of systematic ideology, but it does not claim final knowledge of this theory; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last month needs alteration now, and the account given here will be subject to continuous revision. Systematic ideology is the creation of the… read more »

George Walford: Introducing Ideological Commentary (42)

Revision of May 1989 IDEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY is devoted to the development and exposition of systematic ideology, a theory originated and largely developed by the late Harold Walsby. We do not claim final or exhaustive understanding of it; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last month needs alteration now, and the partial account given here… read more »

George Walford: Introducing Ideological Commentary (41)

Revision of May 1989 IDEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY is devoted to the development and exposition of systematic ideology, a theory originated and largely developed by the late Harold Walsby. We do not claim final or exhaustive understanding of it; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last month needs alteration now, and the partial account given here… read more »

George Walford: Ideology Beyond Politics

In IC39, under the title From Politics to Ideology, we saw that each of the main-sequence political movements behaves as it does because of the assumptions its members have in common. It is not only in politics that the assumptions made determine the course of behaviour followed. Every step we take depends upon the assumption… read more »

George Walford: From Politics to Ideology

This article follows on from the one entitled THE POLITICAL SERIES in IC34. The six groups spoken of are the main-sequence political movements, those known in Britain as conservatism, liberalism, socialism and communism, with the non-political people preceding conservatism and anarchism (including the (A-)SPGB) following communism. – GW We now have before us six groups… read more »

George Walford: New Readers Start Here (38)

Revision of March 1989 IDEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY is devoted to the development and exposition of systematic ideology, a theory originated and largely developed by the late Harold Walsby. We do not claim final or exhaustive understanding of it; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last month needs alteration now, and the partial account given here… read more »
