Ideologies and their Functions

George Walford: The (Anarcho-) Socialist Party (49)

This is the third (and final) part of a reply, by Merseyside Branch, to criticism of the party by IC. Part I appeared in IC47, Part II in IC48. These are both available on request. – GW In order to cover up its own failings IC always reverts to character by arguing that socialism has… read more »

George Walford: The (Anarcho-) Socialist Party (48)

This is the Second Part of a reply by Mersyside Branch, to IC‘s criticism of the Party. Part One appeared in IC47. In contrast to the “simplicity,” “contradictions” and “black and white” nature of the Socialist Party’s arguments, IC variously describes the positions that it takes on social, political and economic matters as sophisticated, complex,… read more »

George Walford: What’s Wrong With S.I.? (48)

Nobody has yet claimed that systematic ideology has all the answers; if it had, then all human problems would be solved and IC could close down. Yet knowing that further answers are needed is one thing; finding out what they are, or indeed what the unanswered questions may be, another. One approach is to look… read more »

George Walford: The (Anarcho-) Socialist Party (47)

MERSEYSIDE RESPOND (Part One of Three) Merseyside Branch of the (A-) SPGB have sent a response to some of the comments on this party made in IC . Too long to print as one item it will appear in three parts (each with a reply from IC ) of which this is the first. –… read more »

George Walford: Socialist Understanding

The Socialist party of Great Britain (not to be confused with the Labour Party) is a small organization to the left of Left. It holds that modern industrial society is divided into two classes, a large working class the produces but not but does not possess, a small capitalist class the possesses but does not… read more »

George Walford: Subscriptions (44)

Annual subscription (6 issues) £2. All back issues from No. 1 (October 1979) are available, two of them in photocopy. The early ones are smaller and thinner than the later, and less elegantly presented. The set £10 post free. The figure in brackets following your name on the envelope is the number of the issue… read more »

George Walford: Editorial Notes (28)

CORRECTION IC25 included a brief note correcting certain ideas put forward in Ideologies and their Functions. On page seven of this present issue these corrections are set out more fully. MOZAMBIQUE In Mozambique they starve while Europe wonders what to do with mountains of “surplus” food. But disgust is a gut-reaction that helps nobody; before… read more »

George Walford: Correction With Apologies

In 1979 George Walford published a book entitled Ideologies and Their Function. It took a number of the principal social activities and discussed the connections of each of them with one or another of the major ideologies. Military activity, production and fascism (including Nazism) were ascribed to the protostatic, and this has now been recognised… read more »
