
Richenda Walford
Contact Richenda Walford.

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TW11 0QH

Contact Richenda by using the following e-mail address. The e-mail address of the George Walford International Essay Prize is spelled out by the larger letters in the following nonsense phrase. Where a period appears, put a dot. Where the word “at” appears, put an @. The address should make sense once you see it.

Go where I enjoy philosophy. Now eternal trills at glad mornings all in leisure. Cast out monsters

See also…

Anarchy (‘A Journal of Desire Armed’) included an exchange between editor Lev Chernyi and George Walford in 1992. Do these anarchists fit the description of anarchists presented by systematic ideology (see Angles on Anarchism)? What do these (or any) anarchists hope to achieve, by what means, and how much progress have they made?

Trevor Blake was the Lead Judge of the George Walford International Essay Prize. He is also the publisher of OVO.

Braziers Park “is a community, a residential college and an architectural treasure hidden deep in the south Oxfordshire countryside. It was founded in 1950 as an educational trust, and is a continuing experiment in the advantages and problems of living in a group. Community members share responsibility for running the college and the estate.” Harold Walsby lived and taught at Braziers, and the memorial lectures held in his name occurred there.

The Charity Commission for England and Wales describes itself in this way: “The Charity Commission for England and Wales is established by law as the regulator and registrar for charities in England and Wales. Our aim is to provide the best possible regulation of charities in England and Wales in order to increase charities’ effectiveness and public confidence and trust.  The Charity Commission for England and Wales  is the organization that recognized the George Walford International Essay Prize as charitable group number 1071002. has been online since 1995.  Here are some archived versions of the site.

The International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam holds some manuscripts by Harold Walsby and some papers of George Walford. These are in good company: the only existing pages from the manuscript for the Communist Manifesto are also housed here.

The Senate House Library in London holds the body of systematic ideology: all the books and periodicals, all the photographs, all the letters and more, from Harold Walsby, George Walford, John Rowan, Ike Benjamin, Zvi Lamm, Trevor Blake and all who have been involved in the theory.

The Marxist Internet Archive “is an all volunteer, non-profit public library started 1990.”  Comprehensive.

Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists were a concern to the early students of systematic ideology.  Walsby wrote about Mosley in his 1947 book The Domain of Ideologies. At the same time, Walsby used propaganda techniques similar to that of the BUF in his 1942 presentation Fire Over Europe.

John Rowan (31st March 1925 – 26th May 2018) lived and worked with Harold Walsby in 1950, and in 1951 joined the Socialist Party of Great Britain at Walsby’s suggestion in order to learn the rudiments of Marxism. He became the editor of the SPGB’s internal journal, Forum. Rowan became part of a group which included Frank Evans and Stan Parker who were expelled from the SPGB for dissident views. John went on to develop Walsby’s theory (see entry on this Web site).  He came to believe that Walsby’s approach is best pursued through joining it with the ideas of Ken Wilber.

The Socialist Party of Great Britain is “Britain’s oldest socialist party, formed in 1904.” George Walford, Harold Walsby and many other students of systematic ideology were members of the SPGB.  Walsby wrote about the SPGB in his 1947 book The Domain of Ideologies. Walford wrote about the SPGB in his journal Ideological Commentary.  Since 1991, two competing groups (at least) have claimed to be the SPGB: one is the publisher of The Socialist Standard and a “companion party of the World Socialist Movement,” and the other is the publisher of Socialist Studies and “The Reconstituted Socialist Party of Great Britain.”

The South Place Ethical Society describes itself in this way: “Based at Conway Hall, London, the South Place Ethical Society is, we think, the oldest freethought community in the world. It was founded in 1793 as a dissenting congregation and for more than two centuries has been a focus for serious discussion of basic ethical principles. By 1888 SPES had rejected the existence of God and become an Ethical Society, the only one which now survives in the UK. It is now an educational charity and maintains a proud tradition of free enquiry in all areas of thought and action. It arranges many talks, courses and seminars for members and interested non-members as well as the famous seasons of Sunday chamber music concerts.” Students of systematic ideology have participated in meetings and debates at Conway Hall for decades, and continue to do so to this day. Their newsletter The Ethical Record includes writing by and about George Walford.

Eric Stockton was born in London, December 1924. He participated in the Manhattan Project.  He also contributed to Ideological Commentary and the George Walford Memorial.*/

Richenda Walford is a daughter of George Walford. She is co-creator of the Web site Brussels Remembers. “We started collecting data about memorials when in London because we enjoyed walking and cycling around the city, finding out about its history, geography and architecture. We plotted them on maps because we find maps endlessly fascinating and enjoy using them. When we moved to Brussels it seemed that collecting memorials would be a splendid way to investigate this city and so it has proved.” She also co-created London Remembers.
